Sudden Loss of a Permanent Tooth: Emergency Care at Pearl Dentures in Granbury, TX

Losing a permanent tooth unexpectedly, also known as a knocked-out or avulsed tooth, is a dental emergency that requires immediate action. At Pearl Dentures in Granbury, we understand the urgency of this situation and are equipped to provide expert care to save your tooth and protect your oral health.

Understanding Knocked-Out Teeth

A knocked-out tooth can occur due to various reasons:

  • Sports injuries
  • Accidents or falls
  • Physical altercations
  • Biting on hard objects

When a tooth is completely dislodged from its socket, time becomes crucial. The chances of saving the tooth are highest within the first hour after the incident.

Immediate Steps to Take

If you or someone near you experiences a knocked-out tooth, follow these steps:

1. Retrieve the Tooth

  • Locate the tooth immediately.
  • Pick it up by the crown (the visible part in the mouth), not the root.
  • Avoid touching the root as it contains delicate fibers crucial for reattachment.

2. Gently Clean the Tooth

  • If the tooth is dirty, rinse it gently with milk or water.
  • Do not use soap or chemicals.
  • Do not scrub or dry the tooth.
  • Do not wrap the tooth in tissue or cloth.

3. Attempt to Reinsert the Tooth

  • If possible, try to place the tooth back in its socket.
  • Ensure it’s facing the right direction.
  • Apply gentle pressure to hold it in place.
  • Bite down on a clean cloth or gauze to keep the tooth in position.

4. Keep the Tooth Moist

If reinsertion isn’t possible, it’s crucial to keep the tooth moist.

Options in order of preference:

  1. Place the tooth in the mouth between the cheek and gum.
  2. Store the tooth in a container of milk.
  3. Use a tooth preservation product if available.
  4. As a last resort, use saliva or water, though these are not ideal.

5. Seek Immediate Dental Care

  • Contact Pearl Dentures at (817) 579-7296 immediately.
  • Explain the situation to our team.
  • Get to our office or an emergency room as quickly as possible.

Why Rapid Treatment is Crucial

Time is of the essence when dealing with a knocked-out tooth:

  • The tooth’s root contains living tissues that begin to die within 15 minutes of being out of the mouth.
  • Proper storage can extend the viability of these tissues.
  • The sooner the tooth is replanted, the better the chances of successful reattachment.

Treatment at Pearl Dentures

When you arrive at our office, our experienced team will:

  • Assess the condition of the tooth and socket.
  • Clean and prepare the tooth and socket if not already done.
  • Reposition the tooth in its socket.
  • Splint the tooth to adjacent teeth for stability.
  • Provide aftercare instructions and schedule follow-up appointments.

Long-Term Care and Prognosis

After emergency treatment:

  • Root canal therapy may be necessary within a few weeks.
  • Regular check-ups are crucial to monitor the tooth’s healing.
  • With proper care, many replanted teeth can be saved and function for years.

Preventing Knocked-Out Teeth

While accidents can’t always be prevented, you can reduce the risk:

  • Wear a mouthguard during sports activities.
  • Use seatbelts while driving.
  • Avoid using your teeth as tools to open packages.
  • Address any existing dental issues that might weaken teeth.


A knocked-out tooth is a serious dental emergency, but with quick action and professional care, there’s a good chance of saving the tooth. At Pearl Dentures in Granbury, TX, we’re committed to providing expert, compassionate emergency dental care. Remember, in case of a dental emergency, contact us immediately at (817) 579-7296. Our team is ready to provide the swift intervention needed to protect your smile and oral health.