General Dentistry 

Cleanings and Oral exams:

Regular cleanings and oral exams are essential for maintaining excellent dental health and preventing oral diseases. Our skilled dental hygienists perform thorough cleanings to remove plaque, tartar, and stains, while our experienced dentists conduct comprehensive oral exams to detect early signs of cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. These routine procedures are crucial for preventing dental issues, promoting overall well-being, and ensuring that your smile stays healthy and beautiful. Visit Pearl Dentures, your local dentist in Granbury, TX for professional cleanings and oral exams to safeguard your oral health.


Dental sealants are a thin, protective coating applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars to shield them from decay-causing bacteria and acids. These sealants act as a barrier, preventing food particles and plaque from accumulating in the crevices of the teeth, ultimately reducing the risk of cavities. By opting for dental sealants, you can fortify your oral hygiene regimen and safeguard your teeth against decay, promoting long-term dental health and wellness. Visit our Granbury dental practice to learn more about the benefits of dental sealants and protect your smile.

Tooth-Colored Fillings:

Tooth-colored fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a modern dental restoration option that blends seamlessly with natural teeth. Unlike traditional metal fillings, they are made from a durable composite resin material that matches the color of the surrounding teeth, providing a natural appearance. These fillings not only restore the strength and function of damaged teeth but also preserve more of the natural tooth structure and are less likely to show wear or cause tooth sensitivity, making them an ideal choice for aesthetic and functional dental restorations.

Root Canal Treatment:

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure that removes infected or inflamed pulp from inside the tooth, followed by thorough cleaning, disinfection, and sealing of the affected area. This process aims to relieve pain, restore the tooth’s function, and preserve the natural tooth structure, providing patients with effective relief and long-term oral health benefits.

Crowns and bridgework:

Crowns and bridgework are advanced dental restorations that play a vital role in enhancing both the appearance and functionality of teeth. Dental crowns are custom-made caps that fit over and protect damaged or weakened teeth, restoring their strength and natural look. Bridgework, on the other hand, uses crowns to literally “bridge” the gap left by missing teeth, providing a seamless and long-lasting solution. These restorative treatments not only improve oral aesthetics but also support proper chewing function, prevent further tooth loss, and promote overall dental health.


When it’s not possible to save a tooth, an extraction may be necessary for your overall oral health. The decision to extract a tooth should always prioritize the patient’s long-term wellbeing. Dentists will explore all conservative options first, reserving extraction as a last resort when it is the best course of action for the patient’s oral health and function. 

Removable dentures:

Removable dentures, also known as false teeth, are custom-made dental appliances used to replace missing teeth. They are designed to improve the appearance, function, and oral health by restoring a natural-looking smile, enhancing chewing and speaking abilities, and providing a comfortable and secure fit for the patient. With their ability to restore confidence and oral function, removable dentures play a crucial role in comprehensive dental care, offering a practical solution for tooth loss. See our section on dentures for more information.

TMD Treatment:

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is a complex condition that can cause pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint, the joint connecting the jaw to the skull. Various treatment options are available to manage TMD symptoms, including non-surgical approaches like physical therapy, occlusal splints, and medications, as well as surgical interventions in more severe cases. Visit Pearl Dentures and Dental Care in Granbury, Texas to learn more about treatment options.

Oral Cancer Screenings:

Oral cancer screenings are an essential component of comprehensive dental care, designed to detect early signs of oral cancer. At our Granbury, TX dental practice we strongly recommend regular oral cancer screenings for all our patients. While oral cancer may not always present obvious symptoms, these screenings can detect pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions in their earliest, most treatable stages.

Oral cancer is a serious condition, claiming nearly 9,000 lives in the United States each year. However, when caught early, the 5-year survival rate can be as high as 85%. That’s why we encourage all our Granbury patients, regardless of age or lifestyle habits, to schedule an annual oral cancer screening as part of their comprehensive dental care.

Certain factors can increase your risk of developing oral cancer, including:

  • Tobacco use (smoking or chewing)
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Positive HPV (human papillomavirus), especially HPV-16
  • Being over the age of 40

If you have any of these risk factors, we urge you not to delay your oral cancer screening. This simple, painless procedure could truly be a life-saver. To learn more, please read our blog post “Oral Cancer Screening: It’s Not Just for Smokers Anymore.”

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Please read our blog post “Oral Cancer Screening: It’s not just for smokers anymore” for additional information on oral cancer. Schedule your oral cancer screening at our Granbury, TX dental practice today and take an active role in protecting your overall health and wellness.

Gum Disease:

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common oral health condition that can have serious consequences if left untreated. It is caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar along the gumline, which can lead to inflammation, infection, and eventual damage to the gums, teeth, and underlying bone.

The early stages of gum disease, known as gingivitis, are often characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums. If caught early, gingivitis can typically be reversed through improved oral hygiene and professional dental cleanings. However, if the condition progresses to the more advanced stage of periodontitis, the damage becomes more severe and may require more intensive treatment.

Treatments for gum disease range from non-surgical options like scaling and root planing, to surgical procedures like pocket reduction or bone and tissue grafting. The specific approach will depend on the extent of the disease and the individual patient’s needs. Regardless of the treatment plan, ongoing maintenance and vigilant home care are essential to managing gum disease and preventing its recurrence.

Here’s a partial list of illnesses that can go hand-in-hand with gum disease:

Pneumonia: People with gum disease can inhale bacteria from their mouths into their lungs, leading to respiratory illnesses like pneumonia.

Heart Disease: Having gum disease increases the risk of heart disease and can also worsen existing heart conditions. Patients with heart conditions should discuss the need for antibiotics prior to dental procedures with their doctor.

Diabetes: Gum disease is considered a complication of diabetes, and it can also make it more difficult to control blood sugar levels.

Stroke: The increased systemic inflammation caused by gum disease has a similar stroke risk correlation to high blood pressure.

Osteoporosis: Bone loss due to osteoporosis can compromise the foundation that supports your teeth, leading to tooth loss.

Cancers in Men: Studies have shown that men with a history of gum disease are more likely to develop certain types of cancer, such as kidney, pancreatic, and blood cancers.

Maintaining good oral health, including regular dental visits and effective gum disease treatment, is essential for overall health and well-being. Don’t wait until it’s too late – schedule your appointment with our Granbury, TX dental practice today.

Guided Biofilm Therapy:

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a comprehensive approach to professional dental biofilm management that aims to control and reduce dental plaque and prevent the development of periodontal diseases. This innovative treatment combines specialized instruments, advanced biofilm-specific agents, and personalized patient education to promote long-term oral health by addressing the root causes of dental diseases.

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) offers several key benefits for maintaining optimal oral health:

  1. Comprehensive Plaque Management: GBT utilizes specialized instruments, advanced biofilm-specific agents, and personalized patient education to effectively control and reduce dental plaque buildup. This targeted approach addresses the root causes of dental diseases.
  2. Preventive Approach: By managing dental biofilm proactively, GBT helps prevent the development of periodontal diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. This can significantly reduce the risk of more severe oral health issues down the line.
  3. Long-Term Oral Health: The GBT protocol is designed to promote lasting oral health by empowering patients to maintain good oral hygiene habits. This, combined with professional dental cleanings and personalized care, can help patients avoid the need for more invasive treatments.
  4. Systemic Health Benefits: By controlling gum disease, GBT can also have positive impacts on overall systemic health, potentially reducing the risks associated with conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

Guided Biofilm Therapy offers a comprehensive, proactive approach to managing dental plaque and preventing the development of periodontal diseases, ultimately supporting long-term oral and general health. By addressing the root causes of dental issues, this innovative treatment can help patients in the Granbury, TX area achieve and maintain optimal oral wellness.